Want to create a PE class where everyone belongs and instruction is intentional to meet the needs of all your students? Come join us and see how we are doing things at Heritage Middle School. We will talk the logistics AND experience/play many of the activities that are used in our classes. You will leave with ideas and motivation to begin the steps to creating a PE class where student mentors/champions and students with disabilities work together to make PE a place where everyone belongs.
The "why..." I decided to include wheelchairs into my basketball unit because I wanted to bring awareness to sports that can be played in a wheelchair. Disabled Athlete Sports Association (DASA) is a great organization that provides many opportunities for boys and girls to play and compete in athletics.
Do you have students with different needs or modifications and you're not quite sure what to do? Come get some helpful tips and tricks to make PE work for students of all abilities, see what equipment we love in my gym, and learn from my successes and mistakes in my first full year of having a separate adapted class. Also, learn how to work with your SPED teachers/department to approach IEP goals to make it the best experience ever!